Areas of Focus: Personal | Professional | Relationship
PIE theory – Pause. Introspect. Evolve. 3-steps to a fuller life!
Hello and Welcome
I am Shirin Vallani and “PIE” is my mantra
Every story is unique, every journey is adventurous. You just have to believe it is! Tag line? No, I learned to believe in mine after falling down many times and rising stronger each time. Like most of us, I started my 9-5 corporate job to pay for school. Corporate associate, turned HR Employee consultant, it was not until a few months into this position, when I found my niche; Helping People! Cliché! I know, but I loved it so much so that I pursued to obtain a bachelor’s degree in psychology and then life coach certifications, with the aspiration to provide professional, knowledgeable and empathetic coaching.